Sunday, November 24, 2013

Visible Signs of Invisible Faith

Colossians 1:11-20
Christ the King
Year C
November 24, 2013

First Presbyterian Church, Clarksville
Harmony Presbyterian Church

The Reverend Dr. Robert Wm Lowry

                Most days I find Facebook an amusing annoyance. 
It is amusing how many people think I care what they had for lunch or how cute the cat was playing with the ball of yarn strategically dropped in the middle of the room while being filmed. 
It is annoying because as easy as it is to use Facebook to connect with friends, it is also an easy forum to get into a back and forth debate on any given topic from football to politics.
Earlier this week I was in a back and forth with a seminary friend who sees the world through distinctly different glasses than me.  Still, I know him well and know that he is a good man and a faithful pastor so theological debate with him is fun and even productive from time to time.  For an entire day, we had a debate going back and forth between Iowa and Arkansas and by the end we had resolved nothing other than the reaffirmation that after 15 years, we still don’t agree on many things.
As often happens with Facebook debates, the discussion prompted comments from some spectators who were reading along but not participating.  One of those spectators, a childhood friend, sent me a private message telling me that he was going to pray for me and my soul and ask that God forgive me for my wrongheaded opinions.  In what I know he intended to be a kind note, he basically told me that if I was not careful I was going to burn in hell and God was never going to forgive me. 
After the discussion ended in its usual stalemate and I got on with the rest of my day, I kept thinking about that note.  At first I was a little angry at the presumption that he thought that he knew the mind of God or the faithfulness or lack thereof of my relationship with God.  The more I thought about it though, the sadder I became until finally I settled in the place I still find myself this morning. 
I feel profoundly sad for him and for anyone who goes through life that scared of God. 
What, I find myself thinking, must it be like to go through life feeling like God is keeping score and waiting for you to trip up; feeling like God is anything but on our side. 
20 years ago there was a wonderful Far Side cartoon- remember those?  They were one frame drawings that in the simplest of terms offered profound commentary on life.  There was one I remember in particular.  A man in a white robe with a long white beard surrounded by puffy clouds is sitting in front of a computer.  On the computer screen was a man walking down a sidewalk next to a building and over his head was a piano suspended by a rope.  It was obviously being moved into an apartment in the building.  With a wry grin on his face the man, obviously meant to be God, had his finger poised over a computer key marked “smite.”  God, just waiting for the right moment to hit the button, let the piano fall and smite the man when he least expected it. 
I think that must be what God looks like to my friend.  The God of the smite button.  Just waiting and watching ready to reign punishment down at a moment’s notice.
There is certainly cultural currency to that perspective; the idea of a vengeful and unforgiving God ready to punish transgressions and dole out just eternal punishments for momentary misdeeds in this life.  That image of God makes it easy to divide the world into us and them; to delineate between those neighbors who are deserving of God’s love and therefore mine and those who are not.  That is without a doubt a popular theology of contemporary cultural Christianity.  That is an easy God to worship.
The problem I have is that I don’t find that God in the bible. 
I don’t find a grudge holding, smite button hitting, willing to forgive but not forget God. 
Yes, God is judge.  But that judge is just not vengeful.
Yes, God is the final arbiter of all things in life and in death.  But that God is the God of resurrection and salvation not death and anguish.
Yes, God gets angry with God’s people.  But that same God orders the banquet table set and the best garments brought out to greet the child who returns. 
I just cannot bring myself to believe that God is so petty as to hold grudges or so callous as to simply turn away from us.  I just cannot bring myself to believe in a God that…small.
A similar heresy was creeping through the community in Colossae.  The bold witness to the character of God that is found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ had begun to wane in the young church.  Fundamentally the question was not one about whether Jesus was the son of God or the resurrection was real.  The question had to do with the nature of God.  When Messiah came into the world and shared in our human frailty; when Emmanuel, God with us, was born in the innocence of a child; when, as the hymn says, “joy of heaven to earth came down;” was that really God or just a reflection of God? 
In other words, in Christ did God really mean it?
Paul’s answer is simple. YES!!  Yes God meant it!
Christ was not God just dressed up with a people costume.  Christ was truly God come to earth taking on the reality and the pain and the frailty of true humanity.
            Far from being the God of the smite button and miles from being a God lingering in the dark waiting to pounce on our mistakes, in Christ, God is God for us.  Beyond the hurts, wants, worries, stresses, cares and fears of this world, God, in Christ, is for us.
            The day we celebrate today, the Feast of Christ the King, is the newest holiday in the church calendar.  It began in the 1920’s as a Roman Catholic celebration of the reign of Christ on the last Sunday in October.  In 1970, as this new day caught on among Protestants, it found its way to this day; the last Sunday before the first Sunday of Advent. 
            In a liturgical light it makes sense that we celebrate the reign of Christ today at the end of the liturgical year.  We end the year celebrating the reign of Christ as we prepare to come back together next week to begin our journey to the celebration of his birth.
            That is the liturgical and theological reason this day makes sense.
            There is another reason, albeit a somewhat ironic one given our text today.
            The celebration of the reign of Christ occurs on a Sunday with so many other things happening- Thanksgiving, Christmas sales, that last gasp of the semester before exams start- that this day almost goes unnoticed.  We set aside a day to celebrate the reign of Christ and we do everything we can to clutter up the calendar until the day is all but lost in the din. 
            You’ve heard the cliché about Christmas that we need to remember “the reason for the season?”  The same thing can be said about today.  We need to remember the reason for this day. 
Easier said than done, I know.  We all find ways to be busy this time of year.  In a stunning display of hypocrisy I am standing in this pulpit preaching about focusing on the meaning of the reign of Christ, while my to do list and down to the minute and cooking plan for 15 Thanksgiving dinner guests is on my desk and not far from the front of my mind!  Whether it is holiday meals, Black Friday deals, Holiday parties or determinedly avoiding all of the above, we are surrounded by distractions. 
And when we are so distracted; when our lives and our spirits are being drawn in so many directions, we all too easily do what the early Christians at Colossae evidently did, we begin to worship the image of a God who is easier to worship rather than the one who is revealed in Jesus Christ. 
When I am too busy to help my neighbor, it is easier to worship a God who is only concerned with some of my neighbors; the good ones.  When I am too distracted to notice injustice in the world, it is easier to worship a God who sees injustice as just desserts.  When I am exhausted by the demands of the world, it is easier to worship an undemanding God.
And when that is the God we worship; when we redraw the picture of salvation history from our own perspective; we fall victim to the same theological snare that caught the Colossians.  We lose track of the character of the one who reigns over all creation; God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
We lose track of the reason we celebrate today; Christ is king- at the center of all creation, reconciling all things to God- Christ is king. 
            When we get distracted from Christ at the center, it is easy to lose track of the promise that Christ brings; God is for us.  And when we lose sight of God for us, it is all too easy to imagine that God is distant, apart or worse, against us. 
            That is the real tragedy of the Colossians, I think.  It is not their bad theology or their failure to fully comprehend the nature of Christ.  Those are not good, but they are not the most tragic thing to befall that community or ours.  More tragic than bad theology is…despair.
            The groaning of the spirit that cries out in fear and all too easily leads to hopelessness.  When we lose Christ at the center- when the eternal light of hope and promise and love and grace ceases to be the center of spiritual gravity of our lives, we despair.
            And in our despair, we fear.
            We fear being left behind.  We fear being forgotten.  We fear being left outside the radius of God’s love. 
            That is the deep tragedy of the theological heresy of the God of the smite button.  Despair. 
            When Paul writes his letter to the Colossians he has a simple recipe to combat that heresy and its accompanying despair.  It is right at the front of the letter in our reading from today.  Paul, who is no stranger to hyperbole and harsh language, says to his audience, the cure for what ails your spirit is…remember. 
            Paul writes in his letter the words of what is believed to be an early Christian baptismal hymn.
                        The Son is the image of the invisible God,
                           the one who is first over all creation,
                        Because all things were created by him:
                           both in the heavens and on the earth,
                           the things that are visible and the things that are invisible.
                        Whether they are thrones or powers,
                          or rulers or authorities,
                          all things were created through him and for him.
                        He existed before all things,
                            and all things are held together in him.
                        He is the head of the body, the church,
                               who is the beginning,
                                the one who is firstborn from among the dead
                             so that he might occupy the first place in everything.
                        Because all the fullness of God was pleased to live in him,
                                          and he reconciled all things to himself through him—
                                whether things on earth or in the heavens.
                        He brought peace through the blood of his cross. (CEB)

            The Colossians do not need a new lesson, they just need to remember what they already know from the promises of God. 
            Of all my seminary memories, time spent in class with Dr. Stan Hall is one of the best.  Stan was a good and compassionate man, a gifted teacher and a committed theologian of the church.  Stan taught liturgical theology- the theology of the church’s worship.  Without fail, when he led chapel, at some point in the service, Stan would come to the center of the chancel, stand behind the table, raise his hands in the air and say in his deep commanding voice…”remember your baptism, and be thankful.” 
            In the Reformed tradition, we say of the sacraments of baptism and communion that they are outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace.  Another way of saying it is that they are visible signs of the faithfulness of God. 
            I hear echoes of Stan in Paul’s recitation of the Christ hymn in Colossians.  Paul tells them, tells us, to remember the promise of baptism that God is not only with us but for us; that we are drawn into covenant and relationship not with a God who wishes us ill but a God who desires nothing less than all good things for God’s children.
            That God, the God of the baptismal waters, doesn’t have a finger poised over the smite button.  That God’s hands are far too busy gathering in the children of God; bringing them…us…ever closer to the promise of tomorrow. 
            I haven’t responded to my friend who wrote me the note…the one who seems so afraid of God.  Not yet at least.  I think the best thing I can do is to say two things to him.
            First, that I will pray for him as well.
            And second, that I hope he remembers his baptism and is thankful.  And filled with hope.
            After all, that is what we celebrate today. 
            The kingship of Jesus Christ who is hope summed up.


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